Show n Tell – November 2019

It was a BYOP month and you can see we had various types of projects. A hint in the pictures is a class we will be having next year.

December 3, 2019 – Chat n Craft meeting

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open.

December is our party meeting where you Bring Your Own Project to work on; bring one of your UFOs and/or craft supply you own that you know you are not going to use to be put out for another member to choose to take home to use; and bring some finger food and/or drink for all of us to enjoy. We will reflect on what we did this past year and discuss next year’s classes. See you then.

November 5, 2019 – Chat n Craft meeting

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open.

November is a BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) month, bring anything you are working on to work on. We also discuss what classes we would like to see next year. Please bring an example, at least a picture of what it is. We need to pick out 6 different projects. I will bring the laptop in case we want to look it up online so everyone can see.

Bring your Show n Tell. I will try to make sure we have a camera to take pictures. Sorry I did not have it last month. If you were not at the meeting you missed some gorgeous items.

Show n Tell – September 2019

We had a class on sweater mittens and several BYOP going on –

October 1, 2019 – Chat n Craft meeting

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open.

We have been working on quilt blocks every month this year. We are going to discuss how to put the blocks together to make a throw. The different variations we can choose from. Hopefully I will have all 9 of my blocks completed and bring them in so we can play with different ideas. If you are welcome to bring in some graph paper and pencil to sketch some ideas for your assembled quilt.

You are always welcome to Bring Your Own Project to work on. Don’t forget to bring some Show n Tell.

Show n Tell – August 2019

August was BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) meeting and we had quite the variety. Enjoy –

September 3, 2019 – Chat n Craft

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open.

Class this meeting is on how to make Sweater Mittens. Supplies you will need to bring with you –

Sweater you are no longer wearing, preferably wool (we will be cutting the sweater up)
marker or pen for tracing
8-10 straight pins
embroidery floss matching the color of your sweater (or yarn)
sewing needle
buttons and additional embroidery floss for decorating, if desired.

We will also have another quilt block handout. October will start the assembly of our quilt.

You are always welcome to Bring Your Own Project to work on. Don’t forget to bring some Show n Tell.

Show n Tell – July 2019

Here are the Show n Tell and pictures of the cards that were being made during the July card class. Thanks Lynda for bringing all the supplies and teaching the class.

August 6, 2019 – Chat n Craft

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open.

It is BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) to work on. We will also have handouts for another 9 inch quilt block. Bring your Show n Tell.

July 2, 2019 – Chat n Craft

Chat n Craft meets the first Tuesday of each month that the library is open. For July we are going to have a class on making cards. You do not have to bring any supplies unless you have something specific you want. Come have fun with us.

You are always welcome to BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) to work on while we are having the class. If we need to set up more tables we can. We will also have handouts for another 9 inch quilt block.