Request a Class Visit or Tour
Our staff offer guided tours to any local class or school group who wishes to visit our library. Come see what we have to offer! We can tailor our tours to address specific interests and age ranges, and we’re happy to provide title recommendations as long as you let us know what you’re looking for ahead of time.
Please be aware we will need at least 2 to 3 weeks notice to schedule a tour or class visit to ensure we have the best staff available for your visit.
If you know members of the tour will want or need to get their own library cards, please let us know once a date and time for your visit has been confirmed. If you have anyone in your group who does not have a library card, they can register here. Please complete registration applications (including parent signatures on all of the applications for children 12 and under) at least one week before your visit so we can process them and have them ready in time for your visit.
We also offer help to any local student classes or groups who would like to visit the library and use our resources for special projects or assignments.
Please fill out the form below to request a visit.