Tag Archive for: meeting

April 2, 2019 – Chat n Craft

We will have another quilt block handout and hopefully everyone will bring something for Show n Tell. The rest of the evening will be BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) to work on. I will be bringing my counted cross-stitch baby afghan that I am working on. What will you be bringing? We will also discuss our May class on dream catchers so you will know what supplies you will need to bring in May. Come join us for fun, laughter and working on our unfinished projects (UFOs).

December 4th – Chat n Craft meeting

It is a BYOB (Bring Your Own Project) to work on month. It will be our normal December meeting, those that have come before know what that means. We will discuss more details of next year classes as well.

Plus we will have some craft magazines for .25/each, some craft books for $1./each. Come peruse the selection and buy your favorites before they go on our sale shelf.

November 6th Chat n Craft meeting

November is always a fun CnC meeting that is BYOP (Bring Your Own Project) to work on while we discuss ideas for next years classes. Something you want to learn? A stitch you want to try? Something getting popular you think would be fun for us to try?

Be thinking about and looking for ideas to bring up during the meeting. If you can bring a picture of what it is.

In the past we have done quilting, embroidery, knitting, crochet, tunsian, needle felting, tatting, beading, book folding and many others. We will be meeting in Community Room – West, come join us.